Be Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
Why Does Effort have to be made to Refine the Mind?
There are various reasons that cause our minds to be clouded. There are both internal and external factors.
Three Years of Silent Retreat
Core Value # 9 : Spontaneously arising beings exist
This ninth form of core value is acceptance of the existence of spontaneously arising beings-beings which arise not because of their parents but as the result of karmic action they have committed themselves in the past.
Concepts for the instilling of Core Values
All that has been mentioned in the forgoing chapter are virtues which need to be instilled in the hearts of the people destined for self-improvement-because anyone with positive core values has the seeds of growing up into the sort of person for whom society is crying out.
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- The Sprite House
There are many kinds of Sprite. What is the fact about the Sprite House in Thai and Chinese Belief?
Core Value # 8 : We are endebted to our father
This eighth form of core value indicates that a child acknowledges his or her debt of gratitude to his father. The debt of gratitude a person has tovards their father is the same as that they have towards their mother, i.e,:
If a doctor cures the illness and it happens that the medical treatment has side effects causing the patient to death, is the doctor at fault?
In the case that the doctor cures the illness and it happens that the medical treatment has side effects causing the patient to death. I would like to ask if the doctor is at fault?
Core Value # 10: Wise enlightened ones exist
If someone whose mind has been illuminated by a proper understanding of the nine previous sorts of core value has the chance to meet up with a wise ‘good friend ‘ [kalyanamitta], they will appreciate how the level of illumination in their ownn mind has increased as the result of behaviour.